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 Desire Born

Life begs, "If Not ME, WHO? If Not HERE, WHERE? and If Not NOW, WHEN?"


Firearms have always played a big part in Southern Utah desert life. When Public land outside of city limits was a hop skip and a jump away in every direction. It was something beautiful. As it is with so many wonderful privileges, it only takes a few of us to mess things up for everyone. As Public traffic swarmed local shooting areas, so did the abundance of waste. Bottles, cans, couches, washing machines, floor crates, milk crates, water heaters, etc. wound up littered all over every local shooting holes. The need was clear, a safe and regulated public shooting range to relieve some of the scattered mess around the local area. A Few Good Ol' Boys scouted for a viable land grant to produce what is today the "Southern Utah Shooting Sports Park" including  our public use Red Cliffs Rifle & Pistol Range. Its a great place to practice fundamentals from the bench rest at main range with varied targeting distances from ten to two hundred yards, or work on some more advanced "Quick Draw" or "Multi position battle rifle" drills in one of the clean and cared for covered bays. The diversity of knowledge and assistance from the diverse collection of volunteer RSO's at Red Cliffs Range is an undervalued gift to the Washington county community.


Timing is everything.

The beginning of 2021 General Public outlook was basically "out of the frying pan, and into the fire". Civil unrest was in an upward climb and increasing pace. Personal Protection and security became disconcerting to... well.. everyone. With little to nothing in the realm of firearm instruction, aside from a few high powered rifle tactics, Hunter Safety, and Utah Concealed Firearm Permit classes, Southern Utah was a "Dry County" in the area of certified firearm instructor led courses. Out of that want, that need, the desire of the masses to go out and purchase a gun (mostly pistols) for Personal Protection. Thankfully we do not require anything in The United States for an adult of sound mind to possess a firearm, adult at least twenty one years of age with minimal criminal history and of sound mind to purchase a firearm. Not a thing involved with acquiring a firearm as a citizen of the United States of America in relation to its operation, maintenance, handling, safety, legality issues etc. Not the adult United States Identification, not the sometimes required background check, not the salesperson, not the federal or state statutes you must legally follow once out the door. Many have absolutely no idea what to do once a firearm is in their possession aside from the short and basic information required by law to accompany the original sale of a firearm, the owners manual. Cultivation of  knowledge and skill from Certified NRA Instructors, United States Special Forces, Wilderness/Wildlife survival experts, American Forefathers, and Ancient Philosophers are the foundation for the building the attitude  expected of every student at Top Shot Dixie Academy.

Take Your Shot

In twenty years it wont be the things you do that you will remember, it will be the ones you do not.... Will this be one?

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